Render Useless - The relationship between EP

"We are a band that likes to communicate. Following in this booklet is our attempt to comunicate with you: ideas, beliefs, and feelings. We feel it necessary to explain ourselves, in order to share our songs and lives with you. Our reasons are simple; this record is more than entertainment and pleasure, it is our message to you, it is a reflection of our lives. This is how we see things in our world. We speak for no one but ourselves. Most of all, we speak to you. Take this for what it is and more: opinion. If you feel the words are insignificant to your enjoyment of our record, then do not read them. Enjoy it or hate it for what it is.
Communication leads to understanding. We do not pretend or hope to be "soapbox heroes", we only want to share, learn and live. Without you, we are really nothing and without words we are just another rock and roll band. Hopefully it can be more than that to you, because it is more than that to us. Thank you.".

Tercer (y creo que último) disco de esta banda canadiense con cuatro temas algo más elaborados que los del primer disco que subí hace poco (además de un siete pulgadas compartido con Republic of Freedom Fighters  sacaron algunas canciones en diferentes recopilatorios). Solamente el precioso libreto con las letras y textos del grupo (en inglés) que mezclan explicaciones personales con artículos políticos y bonitas ilustraciones, ya hace que este disco tan bien presentado valga la pena. Por fortuna no se queda sólo en eso y la música está a la altura: la voz en este disco suena mejor, y me sigue gustando la chispa, ese puntillo positivo, que transmite. Un disco bien hecho.

"Capitalism has always been about putting profit before human needs. This logic is flawed. Share the wealth."

Sacado por Mountain Records en 1997.

Render Useless - The relationship between EP

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