Realign/The Cable Car Theory split EP

"I have somehow gained this reputation for being ever optimistic, but every time I close my eyes that's the last thing on my mind. I somehow betrayed the relationship between me and myself that you see, and this was my responsability, and now I know and wish it all away." (Analysis, The Cable Car Theory).

"We have to swallow, what is told and like a poor wretch we have to form our own oponion. We are all manipulated unconsciously and unexpectedly through a daily presence. Who does ever notice that we play minor roles? Who does ever notice that we still get ruled today? Knowingly squeezed into the consciousness. But who does really notice? Media manipulation! Step by step, but unstoppable we lose the survey of our action." (Was wir nicht sehen (We don't see it happen), Realign).

Otro compartido bien compartido con dos grupos con un puntillo similar. Pillé este disco en un concierto de los alemanes Realign hace años porque me gustó su energía en directo. Algo de esa energía y chispa hay en sus dos canciones de este disco, con un toque entre metal y rockero, y letras políticas, aunque sin la garra del concierto. Una música similar, aunque más melódica y melosa, hacen por la otra cara los neoyorquinos The Cable Car Theory, con tres buenos temas de letras más personales. Una buena colaboración.

Sacado por dos sellos alemanes Voice of Life y Rockemotions en el 2000.

Realign/The Cable Car Theory split EP

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